Welcome to Gasconsult LNG and LH2 Technologies
Gasconsult Limited is an independent LNG and Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) technology licensor that co-operates with energy companies, project developers, OEMs and E&C companies world-wide.
Gasconsult’s patented ZR-LNG (Zero-Refrigerant) liquefaction process is highly differentiated. It combines simplicity with an energy efficiency comparable to modern base-load plants; around 300kWh/tonne LNG in temperate climates. It uses no external refrigerants, using the natural gas feed as the refrigerant medium in an optimised system of expanders; achieving the highest methane cycle efficiency commercially available. The simple design and elimination of refrigerant infrastructure reduces capital cost, the project implementation schedule and footprint of the plant.
Gasconsult’s proprietary OHL (Optimised Hydrogen Liquefaction) technology has a power demand of circa 7 kWh/kg, approaching 50% less than current best operating practice and comparable to new schemes under development. OHL utilises low-cost readily available nitrogen or natural gas as refrigerant.. It avoids mixed refrigerant pre-cooling and high-cost speciality refrigerants such as neon and helium providing a highly competitive balance between capital and operating costs.
View video of design development programme